For sale: 2-room apartment (10470-367)
Lvivska str., 15
2 193 840 грн. per object / 39 600 грн. per m2
Kvartira z zahoplyuyuchim vidom v ZhK Svyatobor, statusniy rayon. Kvartira v odnomu z naykraschih rayoniv Kiyeva mizh stantsiyami metro Svyatoshin i Zhitomirska, obidva u pishomu dostupi. Rozvinena ifrastruktura, poryad ye vse neobhidne dlya simeynogo zhittya: vid nevelichkih magazinchikiv - do shkoli ta dityachogo sadka. Dvir budinku iz sadom z grnim landshaftnim dizaynom, navkolo dvoru bezlich nevelikih kramnits Detalnishe:
Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,Spetsproekt 2016-2020 rr
Kod ob'yektu: G-1986583
Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: 25-yy, type of the building: secondary market. Total floor area: 55.4 sq.m., type of the building: spetsproekt, wall material: brick, ceiling type: reinforced-concrete. The cost is eighty-three thousand one hundreddollars. The property is situated: Lvivska str. 15, Svyatoshin, Svyatoshinskiy, Kyiv city. This ad posted by broker and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell apartments posted 8 days ago. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.
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