Lease office (10631-101)

Podil, Podilskiy, Kyiv city
Igorivska str.
130 m2 (total)
33 800 грн. per month per object / 260 грн. per m2

Ofisniy tsentr klasu "V+", vdale planuvannya, kuleneprobvni vikna, 3 okremih kabineti, remont, primischennya chastkovo osnaschene neobhidnimi meblyami, serverna. Takozh ye mini-kuhnya, sanvuzol, prezentabelna vhidna grupa, sistema konditsiyuvannya i ventilyatsiyi, internet, lifti, kontrolovana sistema dostupu, ohorona, parking, poruch kafe, metro Kontraktova ploscha 5 hvilin pishki, odne parkuvalne mistse dlya avtomobilya (za dodatkovu platu). Osvitlennya 24/7-dizel-generator Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,ofis,zal

Kod ob'yektu: D-34054

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - socle, type of rent - monthly, square - 130 sq.m., ceiling type - reinforced-concrete,. The cost is thirty-three thousand eight hundredhryvnia. Information about the region of the property: Igorivska str., Podil, Podilskiy, Kyiv city. This ad posted by mediator and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on rent office posted Today 2024-06-11. When you call for this announcement, please indicate that you have read an ad on the site Dom2000. Thank in advance!

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Real Estate Agency «Park Lane (Park Leyn)», Korniyenko Arina Oleksandrivna  +38 044 ********** show
Lease office - Ігорівська str., Podil (10631-101) |

The photo office 10631-101

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