Lease 2-room apartment (10634-495)

Obolonskiy, Kyiv city
Kondratyuka Yuriya, 3
2 room, 6/27, 77 / 45 / 9.7 m2
15 500 грн. per month per object / 201 грн. per m2

ZhK Ministerskiy v Obolonskomu rayoni, zdayetsya v dovgostrokovu orendu 2-kimnatna kvartira. V kvartiri vikonaniy dizaynerskiy remont, osnaschena vsima neobhidnimi meblyami i tehnikoyu (Smart TV Samsung 6-seriya 49 diagonal, pralna mashina Bosh, holodilnik Gorenye, mikrohvilova pich Samsung). Boyler. Internet Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,Spetsproekt 2011-2015 rr,torg

Kod ob'yektu: G-54469

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 6-yy, type of the building - secondary market, type of rent - monthly, total floor area - 77 sq.m. Living floor area - 45 sq.m., kitchen - 9.7 sq.m., type of the building - spetsproekt, wall material - brick. Ceiling type - reinforced-concrete. Price information: fifteen thousand five hundredhryvnia. Information about the region of the property: Kondratyuka Yuriya 3, Obolonskiy, Kyiv city. Information on this project has been posted by mediator and uploaded by automatically using the XML-import service. Personal ad on rent apartments published Today 2024-06-09. When you call for this announcement, please indicate that you have read an ad on the site Dom2000. Thank in advance!

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Real Estate Agency «Park Lane (Park Leyn)», Korniyenko Arina Oleksandrivna  +38 044 ********** show
Lease 2-room apartment - Кондратюка Юрія, 3, Obolonskiy (10634-495) |

The photo apartments 10634-495

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