Lease 2-room apartment (9184-383)

Solom'yanskiy, Kyiv city
Ernsta Fedora, 16V str.
2 room, 10/14, 80 / 50 / 15 m2
12 000 грн. per month per object / 150 грн. per m2

Kod ob ekta: 6285. Novyy dom 2011 goda, kachestvennyy remont, laminat, natyazhnye potolki, dubovaya stolyarka, v zale myagkaya kozhanaya mebel, tumba pod televizor, zhurnalnyy stol, v spalne dvuspalnaya krovat s ortopedicheskim matratsem, shkaf. Kuhnya vstroennaya, osnaschena bytovoy tehnikoy: varochnaya poverhnost, vytyazhka, holodilnik, stiralnaya mashina, konditsionery. Prostornyy sanuzel, ispanskiy kafel, gidromassazhnyy boks s parogeneratorom ( turetskaya banya). Okna REHAU Lux. Dve bolshie lodzhii, zastekleny. Garderobnaya. Dubovaya stolyarka. Tkanevye rolety.Skorostnoy internet, Wi-Fi Videodomofon. Konserzh. Kruglosutochnaya ohrana. Razvitaya infrastruktura: ryadom 3 supermarketa, detskie sady, shkoly, banki, apteki, stadion, salony krasoty, restorany. Udobnaya transportnaya razvyazka.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 10-yy, type of the building - secondary market, type of rent - monthly, total floor area - 80 sq.m. Living floor area: 50 sq.m., kitchen: 15 sq.m., internet , technical condition: western-style renovation. The cost is twelve thousandhryvnia. The property is situated: Ernsta Fedora, 16V str., Solom'yanskiy, Kyiv city. Ad Added by realtor and uploaded by automatically using the XML-import service. Personal ad on rent apartments posted Today 2024-06-09. Please report what you've found this ad at the real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you in advance.

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Lease 2-room apartment - Эрнста Федора, 16В str., Solom'yanskiy (9184-383) |

The photo apartments 9184-383

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