Dom2000 is an independent social portal for real estate in Kiev and Ukraine. The project was founded in 2006 and since then is a recognized resource in the Ukrainian real estate market.Having passed the way from the usual message boards on the sale of apartments in Kiev to full international real estate portal generalist, Dom2000 has helped thousands of individuals and companies in matters related to by purchasing apartments and other types of real estate. Today, the mission of the project Dom2000 is defined as the improvement of the transparency and professionalism of the real estate market in Kiev and Ukraine using modern technology, in particular, the principle of creation and ranking of content visitors to the site, the so-called Web 3.0.

Dom2000 portal is divided into sections: 1.Product personal ads
are published ads the sale, lease and sales of apartments, houses, plots, rooms, commercial real estate from the owners and intermediaries.Distinctive features:
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On the personal pages of each professional has a section "comments" where it is possible to review the experience of cooperation with the realtor and ask your question.Are encouraged to add to comments and questions, but only in compliance with the business vocabulary. Remember Your review may be useful for other subjects of the real estate market in Kiev in the future.For example, if you got the distinct impression from the transaction with a realtor will be appropriate to leave a message on his personal page.This will help other customers in the selection, if necessary, to buy an apartment in Kiev, or any other form of real estate transactions.

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Real Estate Kyiv

Ad list 1-20 from 37048
For sale: 2-room apartment
Pechersk, Pecherskiy, Kyiv city
Raevskogo str., 34
2 room, 5/5, 60 / 40 / 10 m2
2 243 974 грн. per object / 37 400 грн. per m2

Floor: pyatyy, type of the building: secondary market. Total floor area: 60 sq.m., living floor area: 40 sq.m., kitchen: 10 sq.m. The cost is eighty-four thousand nine hundred ninety-ninedollars....

Vladislav  093 89********** show
Lease 2-room apartment
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Revutskogo str., 18a  
2 room, 9/16, 53 / 0 / 8 m2
12 000 грн. per month per object / 226 грн. per m2


- Zdayetsya v orendu prostora, zatishna 2-kimn. kvartira, z vidom iz vikna u zatishniy dvir, po vul. Revutskogo na 9/16-pov. metro «Harkivska» - 15 hv. - u kvartiri ye vse dlya komfortnogo prozhiva...

Oleksandr  +38 068 ********** show
For sale: office
Svyatoshin, Svyatoshinskiy, Kyiv city
Verhovinna str., 87  
5 room, 82 m2
1 992 554 грн. per object / 24 299 грн. per m2

For sale:  office - Верховинна str., 87, Svyatoshin (10708-765) |

Prodazh ofisnogo primischennya z fasadnimi viknami ta vhodom, u bezpechnomu mists, bez obmezhen na vhid! Ofisne primischennya roztashovane u okremiy admin. budivli, okremiy vhid, na 2 poversi, ne...

Oleksandr  +38 068 ********** show
For sale: home
Solom'yanka, Solom'yanskiy, Kyiv city
Druzhnaya str.  
10 room, 1000 m2 (total), 22 hundreds sq. m.
145 200 000 грн.

For sale:  home - Дружная str., Solom'yanka (9334-843) |

TsENTR KIEVA ! BATYEVA GORA. ul.Druzhnaya. Osobnyak 1000 kv.m. na 22sotkah zemli. Panorama goroda iz okon i s uchastka! Kachestvo stroitelstva – «na veka»! Interer – izyskano i dorogo! Eksklyuzivnay...

Yuriy  067 35***** show
For sale: home
Solom'yanka, Solom'yanskiy, Kyiv city
Druzhnaya str.  
10 room, 1100 m2 (total), 10 hundreds sq. m.
44 880 000 грн.

For sale:  home - Дружная str., Solom'yanka (5151-477) |

Dom v TsENTRE KIEVA . Solomenskiy rayon. Batyeva gora, ul. Druzhnaya. Raspolozhen na uchastke 10 sotok, kolichestvo etazhey - 5, vklyuchaya mansardu i tehnicheskiy etazh, pod vnutrennyuyu chistovu...

Yuriy  067 35***** show
For sale: shop
Svyatoshin, Svyatoshinskiy, Kyiv city
Verhovinna str., 87  
1 room, 13.5 m2
408 920 грн. per object / 30 290 грн. per m2

For sale:  shop - Верховинна str., 87, Svyatoshin (10708-770) |

Prodazh kimnati, primischennya, kabinet, salon krasi ta zdorovya, perukarnya, medichni poslugi z okremim vhodom bez obmezhen na vhid! Nayavnist sanvuzlu cherez stinu, daye mozhlivist zrobiti mok...

Oleksandr  +38 068 ********** show
For sale: 3-room apartment
Stara Darnitsya, Dniprovskiy, Kyiv city
Harkivske shose, 2  
3 room, 10/10, 67 / 44 / 9 m2
1 293 600 грн. per object / 19 307 грн. per m2

For sale:  3-room apartment - Харківське шосе, 2, Stara Darnitsya (10710-042) |

Vidova kvartira u garnomu stani! Prodayetsya svitla ta prostora 3-kimnatna kvartira v Dniprovskomu rayoni za adresoyu: Harkivske shose, 2. Pomeshkannya roztashovane na 10 poversi 10-poverhovogo budin...

Yuliya  098 07***** show
For sale: 5-room apartment
Obolon, Obolonskiy, Kyiv city
Obolonska Naberezhna vul., 7  
5 room, 4/5, 227 / 0 / 28 m2
13 200 000 грн. per object / 58 150 грн. per m2

For sale:  5-room apartment - Оболонська Набережна вул., 7, Obolon (10710-141) |

Kvartira na Obolonskiy naberezhniy. m. Kiyiv, vul. Obolonska naberezhna, bud.7, korp. 3 Zagalna ploscha - 227, 5 m2 Vartist: 500 000 $ !!!BEZ KOMISIYi!!! Korotka harakteristika obyekta: Dvorivnev...

Focus  073 07***** show
Lease office
Shevchenkivskiy (tsentr), Shevchenkivskiy, Kyiv city
Bulvarno-Kudryavska vul., 42  
10 room, 510 m2
361 680 грн. per month per object / 709 грн. per m2

Lease office - Бульварно-Кудрявська вул., 42, Shevchenkivskiy (tsentr) (10710-140) |

m.Kiyiv, vul. Bulvarno Kudryavska, 42. stantsiya metro "Universitet" ta" -15 hvilin stantsiya metro "Zoloti Vorota" - 15 hvilin Okrema budivlya zagalnoyu ploscheyu 510m2. Varianti orendi: 510 kv...

Focus  073 07***** show
For sale: 4-room apartment
Pecherskiy (tsentr), Pecherskiy, Kyiv city
Arhitektora Gorodetskogo vul., 12  
4 room, 2/6, 277 / 160 / 30 m2
14 520 000 грн. per object / 52 419 грн. per m2

For sale:  4-room apartment - Архітектора Городецького вул., 12, Pecherskiy (tsentr) (10710-139) |

Dvostoronnya kvartira z nadzvichayno yakisnim remontom. Osnovniy remont vikonano yakisno, tozh zmina koloriv, stilyu interyeru, ne vikliche pitan. Dvi mayster - spalni. Prostoriy zal z balkonom ta ...

Focus  073 07***** show
Lease office
Tatarka, Shulyavka, Shevchenkivskiy, Kyiv city
Otto Shmidta vul., 6  
10 room, 1084 m2
369 600 грн. per month per object / 341 грн. per m2

Lease office - Отто Шмідта вул., 6, Tatarka (10710-138) |

Proponuyetsya v orendu okrema ofisna budivlya iz vlasnim podviryam ta parkovkoyu Adresa: m. Kiyiv, vul. O.Shmitda, 6 Ploscha zagalna - 1084 m2 Orenda stavka -15 $/m2 4-poverhoviy budinok z liftom, ...

Focus  073 07***** show
Lease 1-room apartment
Tatarka, Shulyavka, Shevchenkivskiy, Kyiv city
Tatarskaya ul., 9  
1 room, 3/10, 40 / 18 / 9 m2
12 500 грн. per month per object / 313 грн. per m2

Lease 1-room apartment - Татарская ул., 9, Tatarka (10710-136) |

Ul.Tatarskaya, odnokomnatnaya kvartira 40 kv.m, komnata 18 kv.m, kuhnya, 9 kv.m, s/u sovmeschen, balkon zasteklen. Mebel, tehnika, internet, schetchiki na vodu i otoplenie. Paradnoe na magnit...

Katerina  067 73***** show
Lease 1-room apartment
Golosiyivo, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city
Vasilkivska vul., 1  
1 room, 16/25, 52 / 30 / 10 m2
29 040 грн. per month per object / 558 грн. per m2

Lease 1-room apartment - Васильківська вул., 1, Golosiyivo (10710-135) |

Arenda 2k kvartiry ZhK White lines Planirovka - kuhnya- gostinnaya - spalnya - garderobnaya - san uzel Kvartira ukomplektovana vsey neobhodimoy mebelyu dlya komfortnogo prozhivaniya Futuristichna arhi...

Yuliya  066 45***** show
Lease home
Osokorki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Abrikosova vul.  
4 room, 160 / 75 / 0 m2, 6.5 hundreds sq. m.
47 520 грн. per month

Lease home - Абрикосова вул., Osokorki (10710-134) |

Zdam v orendu elegantniy suchasniy budinok!!! Zdam dovgostrokovo zatishniy ta atmosferniy budinok 160 kv.m. dachniy kooperativ Osokorki, (oriyentir - vul. Vinogradna). Svitliy ta suchasniy, gratsioz...

Irina, AN Aksioma  067 16***** show
For sale: 2-room apartment
Nivki, Shevchenkivskiy, Kyiv city
Salyutna vulitsya str., 2  
2 room, 4/6, 56 / 28 / 15 m2
4 408 800 грн. per object / 78 729 грн. per m2

For sale:  2-room apartment - Салютна вулиця str., 2, Nivki (10708-651) |

Proponuyetsya v prodazh vidminna 2 kimnatna kvartira na 4 pov. v unikalnomu kompleksi FAYNA TAUN vid nadiynogo zabudovnika KAN Development. Kvartira z yakisnim remontom. Povnistyu ukomplektovana mebly...

PR real estate  067 61***** show
For sale: 1-room apartment
Golosiyivo, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city
Mihayla Maksimovicha vul., 26V  
1 room, 4/21, 41 / 14 / 15 m2
2 824 800 грн. per object / 68 898 грн. per m2

For sale:  1-room apartment - Михайла Максимовича вул., 26В, Golosiyivo (10710-132) |

Prodazh 1-k kvartiri iz velikoyu kuhneyu-vitalneyu ta okremoyu kimnatoyu v ZhK Nova Angliya, vul. Maksimovicha, 24v, budinok Nyukasl. Kvartira na 4-mu poversi. Zagalna ploscha 41 kv m. gotova do za...

Stolichniy Alyans Neruhomosti  097 12***** show
For sale: 1-room apartment
Golosiyivo, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city
Mihayla Maksimovicha vul., 26V  
1 room, 13/21, 41 / 14 / 15 m2
1 636 800 грн. per object / 39 922 грн. per m2

For sale:  1-room apartment - Михайла Максимовича вул., 26В, Golosiyivo (10710-131) |

1-kimnatna 41 kv.m, okrema kimnata ta kuhnya studio 16 kv.m, yaku mozhlivo obyednati z lodzhiyeyu 3, 6 kv.m. Budinok "Notingem", v grudni sdacha budinku, zavershuyetsya oblashtuvannya teritoriyi, ...

Stolichniy Alyans Neruhomosti  097 12***** show
For sale: shop
Golosiyivo, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city
Mihayla Maksimovicha vul., 26V  
1 room, 40 m2
1 161 600 грн. per object / 29 040 грн. per m2

For sale:  shop - Михайла Максимовича вул., 26В, Golosiyivo (10710-130) |

Primischennya 40 kv.m, pid ofis, shourum, predstavnitstvo, salon. Lichilniki na vodu, elektriku ta teplo (avtonomna kotelnya v kompleksi). Videonaglyad ta ohorona teritoriyi kompleksu. Na zemniy ...

Stolichniy Alyans Neruhomosti  097 12***** show
For sale: 2-room apartment
Solom'yanka, Solom'yanskiy, Kyiv city
Lipkivskogo str., 37V  
2 room, 13/16, 77 / 46 / 20 m2
4 752 000 грн. per object / 61 714 грн. per m2


Prodam 2-kimnatnu kvartiru 77 m² v ZhK “Dinastiya”, vul. Vasilya Lipkivskogo, 37V. Opis kvartiri: • Zagalna ploscha: 77 m² • Planuvannya: prostora kuhnya-vitalnya, 2 okremi kimnati, sanvuzol iz ...

Real Estate Agency «Nika&Co», Viktoriya  093 94********** show
Lease 2-room apartment
Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Urlovskaya ul., 1/7  
2 room, 3/9, 70 / 35 / 9 m2
14 000 грн. per month per object / 200 грн. per m2

Lease 2-room apartment - Урловская ул., 1/7, Poznyaki (10710-128) |

TOLKO BEZ HIVOTNYH! Metro Poznyaki 10 min. 3 etazh. GAZ. Urlovskaya 1/6. 3/9kb, 70/30/9. Razdelnye 2 komnaty. Gostinnaya-divan, spalnya-krovat. Shkafy, kuhnya, vsya neobhodimaya tehnika. Konditsio...

Elena  067 50***** show
