Rent shops in Kyiv city
Rent of non-residential premises is very different from the rental housing. If you need to rent commercial premises in Kiev, you can search it on the Internet or contact the realtor.But to find a profitable option as quickly as possible, you can use our site.
The abundance of ads on the lease, which you will find on our website to make your choice the most productive.
Start searching for the object can be based on your budget and the selected area by specifying this information. Also with the help of user-friendly search engine, you can find a place on the building type, area of the object, its technical condition and so forth.Please note that rental stores in Kiev, has some special features.
Location facilities
Store Location — is one of the most important points that you should pay attention when you search.After all, a good location of the object can bring success to your business. When selecting a site, it is necessary to take into account — for what purposes is your object. So, if it is store food or household details, it can be opened even in the residential area of the city.Goods of this type can be purchased almost anywhere, but is especially useful to do it close to home. At the same time, it is best if the commercial premises will be located near the metro station or stop.
To open a specialized store is to look after the place in downtown or a major shopping center.Also a good option would be placing it near the same shops where buyers will come specifically for a certain item. If your budget for rental stores in Kiev is limited, in any case, better to choose a room not in the courts.When you select an object, preference was given rooms on the ground floor. This is especially true of grocery stores. If you decide to place your store in the basement, check the facility for compliance with sanitary requirements.
The area near the object
Even if the selected object is approached to you on many criteria, be sure to check it out. Pay attention to the area around the store.See how the room will be noticeable to visitors / buyers will get there in the future review of their sign, there is a possibility you arrange a showcase. It is important and the availability of parking near the shop. This is especially important for large grocery retail outlets.
Do not forget about the comfort of the transport interchange next to the object. Also, get to know information about what stores will be located next to yours. It will help you to choose « right » and « wrong » neighbors.For example, beauty is advantageous neighborhood with expensive lingerie shop. A derelict building site or funeral services may be the cause of the lack of visitors.
Come wisely and to the choice of the area of the future store.A small commercial premises may create the appearance that there is nothing to buy, poor choice of goods. But if the area is too large, the room will have to fill a large number of goods that it did not seem half empty buyers.
Found 319 ads
Saksaganskogo ul., 112a
58 080 грн. per month per object / 412 грн. per m2
Saksaganskogo 112a, 141 kv.m, 2200 $/mis, bez komisiyi. Orenda primischennya v Kiyevi, Shevchenkivskiy rayon, tsentr. Do metro "Universitet" 1 km. Ploscha 140, 7 kv.m. Tsina 2200 $/misyats. Kom...
Simyi Hohlovih vul., 12
100 000 грн. per month per object / 813 грн. per m2
Mihayla Maksimovicha vul., 26V
44 220 грн. per month per object / 660 грн. per m2
-Zdam same krasche primischennya z fasadom na fontani ZhK "Nova Angliya, Budinok " Vindzor", vul. Maksimovicha Maksima. 1-y poverh, zagalna ploscha 68 kv.m, p’yat vhodiv, fasad vihodyat na naykra...
Pobedy prosp., 11
35 000 грн. per month per object / 814 грн. per m2
Shelkovichnaya ul., 38
110 000 грн. per month per object / 1 000 грн. per m2
Bolshaya Zhitomirskaya, 6/11 str.
18 480 грн. per month per object / 411 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 12749. Ofis v arendu v tsentre Kieva po ul. Bolshaya Zhitomirskaya 6/11, uglovoy dom na peresechenii s Vladimirskoy. Kapitalnyy remont. Konditsionery. 3 otdelnyh kabineta: 13/13/9 kv.m. ...
Ozernaya, 1
4 400 грн. per month per object / 200 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 12704. Ofisy v arendu na Oboloni. Ozernaya 1. KPP, ohrana, parkovka. V nalichii raznye ploschadi. Ofisy v otaplivaemom 3-h etazhnom administrativnom zdanii. Kommunikatsii: holodnaya v...
Vasilenko, 1
24 180 грн. per month per object / 65 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 542. Sklad-angar na Vasilenka 1 KIEV, Solomenka. territoriya Zavoda KARS( UkrOboronProm) 65grn/kv.m. bez NDS Otlichnaya transportnaya dostupnost. V nalichii : 242 kv.m./391kv.m/191kv.m./...
Vasilenko, 1
12 461 грн. per month per object / 65 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 540. Sklad-angar na Vasilenka 1 KIEV, Solomenka. territoriya Zavoda KARS( UkrOboronProm) 65grn/kv.m. bez NDS Otlichnaya transportnaya dostupnost. V nalichii : 242 kv.m./391kv.m/191kv.m./...
Vasilenko, 1
25 415 грн. per month per object / 65 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 529. Sklad-angar na Vasilenka 1 KIEV, Solomenka. territoriya Zavoda KARS( UkrOboronProm) 65grn/kv.m. bez NDS Otlichnaya transportnaya dostupnost. V nalichii : 242 kv.m./391kv.m/191kv.m./...
Vasilenko, 1
15 730 грн. per month per object / 65 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 525. Sklad-angar na Vasilenka 1 KIEV, Solomenka. territoriya Zavoda KARS( UkrOboronProm) 65grn/kv.m. bez NDS Otlichnaya transportnaya dostupnost. V nalichii : 242 kv.m./391kv.m/191kv.m./...
Ozernaya, 1
6 625 грн. per month per object / 125 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 487. Ofisy v arendu na Oboloni. Ozernaya 1. KPP, ohrana, parkovka. Ofisy ot 10 kv.m. Tsena 155grn/m2. V nalichii raznye ploschadi. Trebuyut remonta, obsuzhdayutsya skidki/ kanikuly i ...
Ozernaya, 1
3 844 грн. per month per object / 155 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 492. Ofisy v arendu na Oboloni. Ozernaya 1. KPP, ohrana, parkovka. Ofisy ot 10 kv.m. Tsena 155grn/m2. V nalichii raznye ploschadi. Trebuyut remonta, obsuzhdayutsya skidki/ kanikuly i ...
Ozernaya, 1
3 937 грн. per month per object / 155 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 511. Ofisy v arendu na Oboloni. Ozernaya 1. KPP, ohrana, parkovka. Ofisy ot 10 kv.m. Tsena 155grn/m2. V nalichii raznye ploschadi. Trebuyut remonta, obsuzhdayutsya skidki/ kanikuly i ...
Ozernaya, 1
1 550 грн. per month per object / 155 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 515. Ofisy v arendu na Oboloni. Ozernaya 1. KPP, ohrana, parkovka. Ofisy ot 10 kv.m. Tsena 155grn/m2. V nalichii raznye ploschadi. Trebuyut remonta, obsuzhdayutsya skidki/ kanikuly i ...
Ozernaya, 1
2 644 грн. per month per object / 155 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 7132. Ofisy v arendu na Oboloni. Ozernaya 1. KPP, ohrana, parkovka. Ofisy ot 10 kv.m. Tsena 155grn/m2. V nalichii raznye ploschadi. Trebuyut remonta, obsuzhdayutsya skidki/ kanikuly i...
Ozernaya, 1
9 825 грн. per month per object / 75 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 12565. Arenda otaplivaemogo garazha-sklada Ploschad 131kv.m. Otlichno podhodit kak pod sklad, tak i pod garazh. Est vozmozhnost arendy ofisa vozle sklada. Ploschadi ofisov: 17/21, 7/25/...
Ozernaya, 1
3 069 грн. per month per object / 155 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 504. Ofisy v arendu na Oboloni. Ozernaya 1. KPP, ohrana, parkovka. Ofisy ot 10 kv.m. Tsena 155grn/m2. V nalichii raznye ploschadi. Trebuyut remonta, obsuzhdayutsya skidki/ kanikuly i ...
1 similar ads »
Ozernaya, 1
1 891 грн. per month per object / 155 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 514. Ofisy v arendu na Oboloni. Ozernaya 1. KPP, ohrana, parkovka. Ofisy ot 10 kv.m. Tsena 155grn/m2. V nalichii raznye ploschadi. Trebuyut remonta, obsuzhdayutsya skidki/ kanikuly i ...
1 similar ads »
Ozernaya, 1
3 000 грн. per month per object / 155 грн. per m2
Kod ob ekta: 470. Ofisy v arendu na Oboloni. Ozernaya 1. KPP, ohrana, parkovka. Ofisy ot 10 kv.m. Tsena 155grn/m2. V nalichii raznye ploschadi. Trebuyut remonta, obsuzhdayutsya skidki/ kanikuly i ...