For sale: home (10060-676)

5 room, 240 / 150 / 17 m2, 7 hundreds sq. m.
4 171 200 грн.

BEZ%, noviy dim 240m2, s.Marhalivka, Vasilkivskiy rayon, 20 km vid Kiyeva, trasa na Odesu

Kiyivska oblast

Vasilkivskiy rayon

selo Marhalivka

Noviy budinok ploscheyu 240m2 na zemelniy dilyantsi 7 sotok.

Remont (shpaleri, laminat, kahel, santehnika).

Budinok utepleniy, opalennya-tverdopalivniy kotel, kanalizatsiya-septik na 3 kiltsya, vodopostachannya-skvazhina, elektroenergiya (tri fazi).

Budinok dvohpoverhoviy:

1-iy poverh:

velika vitalnya 37m2, kuhnya 17m2, sanvuzol 4m2, garazh 23m2, kotelnya, vihid z vitalni na terasu 17m2.

2-iy poverh:

peredpokiy 9m2, 4 spalni (14m2, 18m2, 18m2, 27m2), sanvuzol 8m2.

Vdale mistse roztashuvannya po susidstvu novobudovi, 25 hvilin do Kiyeva, asfaltovaniy pid’yizd do budinku, 400 metriv vid Odeskoyi trasi.

Buduvali dlya sebe, nihto ne prozhivav.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 240 sq.m., purpose of area: construction and maintenance of a living building, area square: 7, living floor area: 150 sq.m. Kitchen - 17 sq.m., type of flooring - laminate, ceiling type - reinforced-concrete, wc - dva, electricity - present. Gas: 20 m, water conduit: present. Sewerage - septic tank, distance from city - 20 km, location - cottages, road from highway - asfalt, road distance - 500 m. Wc location: indoor, number of buildings: odin, smooth area, beautiful spot, type of the building: kottedzh. Type of roof: metal, technical condition: renovation, type of ownership: private (individual entity), heating: coal boiler, v nalichii garage. Parking prisutstvuet. The cost is one hundred fifty-eight thousanddollars. Information about the region of the property: Marhalivska str., Marhalivka village, Vasilkivskiy rayon, Kiyivska oblast. Property info was posted by realtor. Personal ad on sell homes posted 30 days ago. Please report that found the object on the real estate portal Dom2000 when calling the ad. Thank you in advance.

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Andrey  +38 095 ******* show
For sale:  home - Мархалівська str., Marhalivka village (10060-676) |

The photo homes 10060-676

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