For sale: land (10191-971)

15 hundreds sq. m.
4 363 618 грн. per land / 290 908 грн. per hundred sq. m.

V shikarnom ekologicheski chistom meste, ryadom s rechkoy i prudom raspolozhen prostornyy zemelnyy uchastok

(granitsy ogorozheny lentochno-stolbchatym fundamentom). V shagovoy dostupnosti produktovyy magazin, ostanovka obschestvennogo transporta, detskiy sad, obscheobrazovatelnaya shkola, zh/d stantsiya Kalinovka, vsya razvitaya infrastruktura v g. Vidnoe. K uchastku est pod ezd s dvuh storon, s odnoy — asfaltirovannaya doroga. Dorogi vsegda chistyat. Horoshaya transportnaya dostupnost. Elektrichestvo i magistralnyy gaz po granitse uchastka.

Operativnyy pokaz, bystryy vyhod na sdelku. Agentstvo nedvizhimosti MaxRealty., Nomer lota: 3472690

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Purpose of area: gardening, area square: 15.

Total views: 50

Denis Yu.  +79999********** show
For sale:  land - Новая улица, п. Kalinovka (10191-971) |

The photo land 10191-971

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