For sale: 1-room apartment (10301-715)

Bila Tserkva city, Kiyivska oblast
Tomilivska str., 50
1 room, 8/9, 36 / 18 / 9 m2
567 600 грн. per object / 15 767 грн. per m2

TERMINOVO prodayetsya 1-no kimnatnu kvartiru m/s. v kvartiri zrobleniy kosmetichniy remont, vstanovleni metaloplastikovi vikna, balkon zasklaniy metaloplastikoviy, suchasniy kahel vanna ta sanvuzol, derevyana stolyarka, kahel pidloga (kuhnya, koridor) bronidveri, boyler. Kvartira povnistyu uteplena! Prekrasne mistse dlya zhittya, poruch v pishiy dostupnosti shkola, sadok, magazini zupinka gromadskogo transportu. Telefonuyte tsikava propozitsiyu! Ofitsiyno zareyestrovane pidpriyemstvo z postiynoyu adresoyu, kvalifikovanim personalom ta dosvidom roboti, nadaye povniy perelik poslug z pitan, pov'yazanih z neruhomistyu. Bezkoshtovno priymayemo zayavki vid prodavtsiv i orendariv. Garantuyemo ob'yektivnu otsinku, yakisnu reklamnu kompaniyu ta yuridichnu pidtrimku.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: 8-yy, type of the building: secondary market, total floor area: 36 sq.m., living floor area: 18 sq.m. Kitchen: 9 sq.m., rooms arrangement : separate, windows overlook: in the yard, air conditioning: no, number of balconies: one balcony. Number of telephone lines - odin, type of the building - sovmin. Wall material: panel, type of flooring: tile, ceiling type: reinforced-concrete. Ceiling height: 2.7 m, wc: separate, angular. Intercom , , , condition of main entrance: good, technical condition: renovation, type of ownership: private (individual entity). Legal documents - sale and purchase agreement, , est parking. Price information: twenty-one thousand five hundreddollars. Information about the region of the property: Tomilivska str. 50, Bila Tserkva city, Kiyivska oblast. This advertisement was published by mediator. Personal ad on sell apartments published yesterday (2025-03-10). In a telephone conversation on this subject, please report what you've found this place on our real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you.

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Yuriy  097 68***** show
For sale:  1-room apartment - Томилівська str., 50, Bila Tserkva city (10301-715) |

The photo apartments 10301-715

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