For sale: home (10317-923)

Kiyivska oblast
Buzkova str.
235 / 149 / 0 m2, 15 hundreds sq. m.
4 197 600 грн.

Na 1 pov: sanvuzol 10 kv.m, topkova 8 kv.m, zal z kuhneyu 60 kv.m, kabinet 19 kv.m; 2 poverh: tri spalni, 25 kv.m, 20 kv.m, 30 kv.m, 2 sanvuzli po 8 kv.m i garderobna 20 kv.m, ye terasa zi zvorotnogo boku budinku, vihid iz zalu, gazova truba zavedena v budinok, elektrika na dilyantsi, sverdlovina 45m., nasos, gidroakkamulyatorov. Mozhna priyednati sche 10 sotok pid OSG v koristuvannya BEZKOShTOVNO! za zayavoyu, pokrivlya uteplena z 2 strin minvatoyu po 100mm, potuzhnist 14kVt, proekt providnim arhitektorom Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,torg

Kod ob'yektu: G-47276

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 235 sq.m., area square: 15, living floor area: 149 sq.m. Price information: one hundred fifty-nine thousanddollars. Information about the region of the property: Buzkova str., Kiyivska oblast. Ad Added by realtor and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on sell homes registered in the database of the portal Today 2024-12-22. Please report what you've found this ad at the real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you in advance.

Total views: 16

Real Estate Agency «Park Lane (Park Leyn)», Menshun Alla Antonivna  +38 044 ********** show
For sale:  home - Бузкова str., Kiyivska oblast (10317-923) |

The photo homes 10317-923

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