Lease office (10390-112)

Osokorki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Zarichna str.
2/2, 315 m2 (total)
124 740 грн. per month per object / 396 грн. per m2

Okremiy vhid.Torgoviy Tsentr, primischennya roztashovane na 2 poversi, fasad, navproti tsentralna doroga. Open Speys, bez remontu (mozhna zonuvati). Pislya budivelnikiv nadayetsya remontni kanikuli. Pidiyde pid bud-yake priznachennya (ofis, shou-rum, klinika, magazin, restoran, kafe). Provedeno komunikatsiyi. Vartist 25 dolariv za m2. ZhK Slavutich 2, na daniy moment zaselennya ZhK skladaye 4200 osib, ZhK gustonaseleniy, v 50 metrah vihid z metro Slavutich. Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: ofis

Kod ob'yektu: B-104257

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - vtoroy, type of rent - monthly, square - 315 sq.m. The cost is four thousand seven hundred twenty-fivedollars. Information about the region of the property: Zarichna str., Osokorki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city. This advertisement was published by realtor and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on rent office published 9 days ago. Please report that found the object on the real estate portal Dom2000 when calling the ad. Thank you in advance.

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Real Estate Agency «Park Lane (Park Leyn)», Schuchenko Oksana Fedorivna  +38 044 ********** show
Lease office - Зарічна str., Osokorki (10390-112) |

The photo office 10390-112

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