For sale: home (10463-639)
Makeevskaya str., 19
9 240 000 грн.
Bez%. Vidminniy budinok dlya zhitla chi biznesu v Obolonskomu rayoni na 12 sotkah!
Prodam okremiy 2-h poverhoviy budinok z chervonoyi tsegli, ploscheyu 270 kv.m., z dilyankoyu 12 sotok na vul. Makiyivska v Obolonskomu rayoni. Budinok u horoshomu stani, svitliy ta tepliy. Dva okremi vhodi, miski komunikatsiyi. Ogorodzheniy po perimetru. Visota steli 2,9 – 3,4m. Tri sanvuzli, sauna, kamin. Na teritoriyi: garazh, loh, altanka, gosp. budivli, zeleni nasadzhennya. Do stantsiyi metro Minska – 3 km. Vdale mistseroztashuvannya na kordoni Obolonskogo ta Podilskogo rayoniv, na peretini masiviv: Kurenivka, Vinogradar, Vitryani gori, Obolon, Minskiy masiv. Pidiyde yak dlya postiynogo prozhivannya, tak i pid bud-yakiy vid diyalnosti: ofis, predstavnitstvo, medichniy tsentr, navchalniy tsentr, restoran, dityachiy sadok ta inshe. Budinok vvedeniy v ekspluatatsiyu, tomu vsya neobhidna dokumentatsiya ye v nayavnosti. Tsina - 350000 u.o., torg realnomu pokuptsyu. Ob'yekt realniy, foto vidpovidayut, iz kolegami spivpratsyuyu. Eksklyuziv. Bez komisiyi. Telefonuyte, vidpovim na vsi Vashi zapitannya!
Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 270 sq.m., purpose of area: construction and maintenance of a living building, area square: 12. Living floor area: 135 sq.m., kitchen: 37 sq.m. Air conditioning: two or more, number of balconies: tri. Type of flooring - laminate, ceiling type - reinforced-concrete, ceiling height - 3 m, wc - tri. Electricity: present, gas: present, water conduit: present. Sewerage - internal, pond - no. Forest: no, location: cottages, road from highway: asfalt, wc location: indoor, number of buildings: dva. Smooth area, type of the building - kottedzh, type of roof - tile, technical condition - renovation, type of ownership - private (individual entity). Legal documents - sale and purchase agreement, heating - gas boiler, est garage, est parking. The cost is three hundred fifty thousanddollars. The property is situated: Makeevskaya str. 19, Priorka, Obolonskiy, Kyiv city. Information on this project has been posted by mediator. Personal ad on sell homes registered in the database of the portal Today 2024-12-27.
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Home, cottage complexes and townhouses