For sale: 1-room apartment (10480-883)

Svyatoshinskiy, Kyiv city
Berdnika Olesya str., 1d
1 room, 3/17, 34 / 13.5 / 7 m2
1 689 600 грн. per object / 49 685 грн. per m2

Gotova smart kvartira bez remontu. ZhK "Nivki-Park", poruch st.M "Nivki". Komplektatsiya White Box - maksimalno pidgotovlena do remontnih robit. Tretiy poverh. Za rahunok napivpanoramnih vikon - kvartira duzhe svitla ta zatishna. Okremiy garderob i pri bazhanni mozhna vidokremiti spalnu zonu vid kuhonnoyi. Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: gaz,Spetsproekt 2021-2025 rr

Kod ob'yektu: G-1986097

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: tretiy, type of the building: secondary market, total floor area: 34 sq.m. Living floor area - 13.5 sq.m., kitchen - 7 sq.m., type of the building - spetsproekt, ceiling type - reinforced-concrete. The cost is sixty-four thousanddollars. Location of object Berdnika Olesya str. 1d, Svyatoshinskiy, Kyiv city. Property info was posted by mediator and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on sell apartments registered in the database of the portal Today 2024-12-26. If you plan to use this announcement, please specify that you have found this place on our real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you.

Total views: 27

Real Estate Agency «Blagovest (Blagovist)», Belikova Olga Oleksandrivna  +38 044 ********** show
For sale:  1-room apartment - Бердника Олеся str., 1д, Svyatoshinskiy (10480-883) |

The photo apartments 10480-883

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