For sale: home (10497-101)

с. Urik, р-н. Irkutskiy, обл. Irkutskaya, Russia
Podgornyy pereulok, 1D str.
89.2 m2 (total), 12 hundreds sq. m.
1 470 929 грн.

Urik s, Podgornyy pereulok 1D, prodaetsya dom, 3komnat(a) v, 12 sotok, obsch. pl. doma 89.2 kv.m., sanuzel sovmeschennyy, horoshiy remont, Prodaetsya uyutnyy, dobrotnyy dom iz lafeta!

Uchastok 12 sot., s nasazhdeniyami i ogorodom, podpole, banya, garazh.

Voda iz skvazhiny zavedena v dom, elektrichestvo 15 kVt, selskiy tarif.

V dome ochen teplo, imeetsya boylernoe i pechnoe otoplenie.

Avtobusnaya ostanovka nahoditsya v 100 metrah ot doma.

Eksklyuzivno v CENTURY 21* *na osnovanii dogovora s sobstvennikom. Esli u vas ne poluchilos dozvonitsya, napishite svoy nomer v soobschenii, my vam obyazatelno perezvonim! AGENTSTVO NEDVIZhIMOSTI «CENTURY 21» — RABOTAEM ChESTNO I OTKRYTO! *Pomogaem sobstvennikam prodat v nuzhnye sroki i po luchshey tsene! *Nahodim pokupatelyam samyy dostoynyy variant na rynke! *Provodim sdelki lyuboy slozhnosti s garantiey yuridicheskoy chistoty! *Sodeystvuem v odobrenii ipoteki na luchshih usloviyah — nashi klienty poluchayut dopolnitelnoe snizhenie protsentnoy stavki vo vseh bankah!

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area - 89.2 sq.m., area square - 12. Number of telephone lines: odin, ceiling height: 2.4 m. Price information: three million five hundred ninety thousandrubles. Information about the region of the property: Podgornyy pereulok, 1D str., s. Urik, r-n. Irkutskiy, obl. Irkutskaya, Russia. Property info was posted by broker and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on sell homes posted 85 days ago. If you plan to use this announcement, please specify that you have found this place on our real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you.

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Davydov Aleksey  +79501********** show
For sale:  home - Подгорный переулок, 1Д str., с. Urik (10497-101) |

The photo homes 10497-101

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