Lease shop (10527-559)

1/3, 800 m2 (total)
122 919 грн. per month per object / 154 грн. per m2

Sdaetsya kompleks iz treh domov na zemelnom uchastke v 30 sotok. Otlichno podoydet SPA ili shkolu, tak zhe vozmozhna sdacha v subarendu ili invest proekt. Operativnyy pokaz, bystryy vyhod na sdelku. Agentstvo nedvizhimosti MaxRealty., Nomer lota: 3611122

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: pervyy, type of rent: monthly. Ceiling height: 2.8 m. The cost is three hundred thousandrubles. The property is situated: str., Domodedovo city, r-n. Domodedovskiy, obl. Moskovskaya, Russia. This advertisement was published by realtor and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on rent shop added 193 days ago. When contacting the number below, please report that found this ad on the real estate portal Dom2000

Total views: 29

Aleksandra G.  +79299********** show
Lease shop - Domodedovo city (10527-559) |

The photo shop 10527-559

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