For sale: home (10572-019)

50 m2 (total), 17.5 hundreds sq. m.
614 594 грн.

Prodam dom otdelno stoyaschiy na uchastke 17,5 sotok. V derevni Myasnovka ( 4 km. ot goroda Schekino)

V dome: dve razdelnye komnaty, prostornaya kuhnya. Okna PVH, novye radiatory otopleniya, tualet na ulitse.

Otoplenie pechnoe, voda kolodets.

Uchastok uhozhennyy, est teplitsa i plodovye derevya.

Est vozmozhnost podvedeniya gaza.

Pod ezd kruglogodichnyy.

Vozmozhen torg.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 50 sq.m., area square: 17.5.

Total views: 42

Today views: 1

Nikolaeva Irina  +79065****** show
For sale:  home - р-н. Schekinskiy (10572-019) |

The photo homes 10572-019

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