For sale: 2-room apartment (10613-014)
Nizhegorodskaya ulitsa, 31/2 str.
3 154 916 грн. per object / 61 261 грн. per m2
Predlagayu otlichnyy variant 2 h komnatnoy kvartiry klassicheskoy planirovki v novom ZhK Tihiy Don, dom raspolozhen v stvore parkovoy zony ( park Viti Cherevichkina) i v neposredstvennoy blizosti k r. Don- iz okon kvartiry otkryvaetsya zhivopisnyy vid na reku.
Vse dokumenty provereny kompaniey Altair.
Komissiya agentstva ogovarivaetsya dopolnitelno.
Yurist kompanii pomozhet v provedenii peregovorov s sobstvennikom.
Dlya osmotra dannogo ob ekta pozvonite po telefonu, ukazannomu v ob yavlenii.
Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 8-yy, type of the building - secondary market, total floor area - 51.5 sq.m., living floor area - 28.5 sq.m., kitchen - 8.4 sq.m. Rooms arrangement - separate, wall material - monolithic-frame, ceiling height - 2.8 m. The cost is seven million seven hundred thousandrubles. Location of object Nizhegorodskaya ulitsa, 31/2 str., Rostov-na-Donu city, obl. Rostovskaya, Russia. Ad Added by broker and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on sell apartments registered in the database of the portal 179 days ago. Please report that found the object on the real estate portal Dom2000 when calling the ad. Thank you in advance.
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