For sale: home (10638-307)

160.9 m2 (total), 6.13 hundreds sq. m.
6 760 535 грн.

Kottedzh 160,9 kv.m. na uchastke 6,13 sotok v SPK Veteran prodayu.

Schelkovskoe shosse, 12 km ot MKAD, go Schelkovo, vbllizi d. Medvezhi Ozera.

Kottedzh iz penoblokov, 2 etazha, pod otdelku.

1 etazh: holl, sanuzel razdelnyy, prostornaya gostinaya, kuhnya, garazh, boylernaya.

2 etazh: 3 spalni, sanuzel, dva bolkona.

Kommunikatsii: elektrichestvo 10 kVt, magistralnyy gaz po granitse, tsentralnaya kanalizatsiya, voda skvazhina.

Uchastok 6,13 sotok pryamougolnoy formy 20 h 31 metr po perimetru, ogorozhen zaborom iz metaloprofilya.

Na v ezde otkatnye avtomaticheskie vorota.

Na uchastke imeetsya zakrytaya besedka s barbekyu.

Razvitaya infrastruktura v shagovoy dostupnosti: magaziny, shkola, poliklinika, det.sady.

Do m. Schelkovskaya 30 min na marshrutnom avtobuse.

Odin sobstvennik.

Pokaz po dogovorennosti, zvonite seychas!, Nomer lota: 3641351

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area - 160.9 sq.m., purpose of area - gardening, area square - 6.13. Ceiling height: 3 m. Price information: sixteen million five hundred thousandrubles. Information about the region of the property: str., Russia. Property info was posted by broker and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell homes added 92 days ago. When contacting the number below, please report that found this ad on the real estate portal Dom2000

Ostanin Konstantin Yurevich  +79067********** show
For sale:  home - Russia (10638-307) |

The photo homes 10638-307

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