For sale: home (10640-869)

132 m2 (total), 15 hundreds sq. m.
2 769 361 грн.

Oek s, ulitsa Kirova 2M, prodaetsya dom, 5komnat(a) v, 15 sotok, obsch. pl. doma 132 kv.m., 2 sanuzla, evroremont, Predstavlyayu dlya Vas dom dlya bolshoy semi (5 komnat, kuhnya i 2 s/u) na uhozhennom zemelnom uchastke 15 sot. Prilegayuschiy k asfaltnoy doroge, dostupnost shkoly i infrastruktury. s prekrasnym vidom iz okon doma i pridomovogo uchastka, chistym vozduhom horoshim raspolozheniem. Dom s horoshim remontom , raspolagayuschim k komfortnomu prozhivaniyu. Zaezzhayte i s udovolstviem, komfortno prozhivayte. Dvor rovnyy, uhozhennyy, gde mogut radostno igrat deti i vzroslye u mangala, naslazhdatsya s prekrasnym vidom na prirodu.

Na uchastke raspolozhen teplyy garazh.

uchastok razrabotan s ogorodom i nasazhdeniyami.

Zvonite! Vse rasskazhem i pokazhem.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 132 sq.m., area square: 15. Technical condition - western-style renovation. The cost is six million seven hundred fifty-nine thousandrubles. The property is situated: ulitsa Kirova, 2M, s. Oek, r-n. Irkutskiy, obl. Irkutskaya, Russia. Information on this project has been posted by broker and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on sell homes added 85 days ago. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.

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Dubovitskiy Evgeniy  +79025********** show
For sale:  home - улица Кирова, 2М, с. Oek (10640-869) |

The photo homes 10640-869

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