For sale: home (10641-421)

10 m2 (total), 4 hundreds sq. m.
655 567 грн.

Prodayu dachu v zhivopisnom meste prirody i pri etom v neposredstvennoy blizosti k gorodu. Uchastok vygodno raspolozhen na granitse 11 go i 14 Sadov KMPO, gde obrazovalas dopolnitelnaya prilegayuschaya k uchastku territoriya. Uchastok uhozhennyy, zasazhen mnozhestvom plodovo-yagodnyh derevev i kustarnikov, a takzhe tsvetami i klubnikoy — gotovyy sad. Na uchastke — krepkiy domik, est hozpostroyki i novaya teplitsa iz polikarbonata.

Na prilegayuschey k uchastku territorii protekaet rucheek, stoit banya — deystvuyuschaya.

Uchastok ogorozhen dobrotnym zaborom. V ezd na territoriyu vozmozhen , kak cherez sad № 11 tak i cherez 14-y sad.

Vokrug krasota : berezy, ptichki poyut, est vse dlya otdyha na prirode i priyatnogo vremyaprovozhdeniya na svoem uchastke zemli.

Odin vzroslyy sobstvennik. V sobstvennosti bolee pyati let.Chistaya prodazha.

Zdes vas zhdet schaste i lyubov!

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 10 sq.m., purpose of area: gardening, area square: chetyre. Price information: one million six hundred thousandrubles. Location of object str., Kazan city, resp. Tatarstan, Russia. Property info was posted by realtor and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on sell homes posted 182 days ago. Please mention Dom2000 site while referring to this ad. Thanks!

Total views: 5

Bulatova Mila Nikolaevna  +79063********** show
For sale:  home - Kazan city (10641-421) |

The photo homes 10641-421

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