For sale: home (10643-282)

30.2 m2 (total), 6.3 hundreds sq. m.
368 756 грн.

Shirokaya Pad snt, Shelehovskiy, prodaetsya dacha, 4komnat(a) v, 6.3 sotok, obsch. pl. doma 30.2 kv.m., balkon, Otlichnaya Dacha v 15 minutah ot ZhD Stantsii «Golubye Eli».

Prodaetsya dacha na uchastke 6,3 sotki.

Na uchastke raspolozhen bolshoy 2-h etazhnyy dom s balkonom, banya, teplitsa iz polikarbonata, tualet.

Tak zhe est nedostroennaya letnyaya kuhnya.


1 etazh — prihozhaya, veranda-kuhnya i komnata s pechyu

2 etazh- 3 komnaty i balkon

Banya novaya (3 goda) s razdevalkoy i parilkoy, obshitaya saydingom.

Na uchastke est nasazhdeniya.

Letniy vodoprovod (voda s maya po samye holoda), zimoy rabotaet zimnyaya skvazhina v SNT.

Uchastok ogorozhen zaborom iz proflista, est kalitka i otkatnye vorota.

Set agentstv Century21 — lider na rynke nedvizhimosti mira. Yavlyaemsya ofitsialnym partnerom vseh bankov, ipoteka s nami vygodney v vidu partnerskih preferentsiy. Nash opyt s 1971 goda, garantiruet bezopasnost sdelok.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area - 30.2 sq.m., purpose of area - gardening, area square - 6.3. Price information: nine hundred thousandrubles. Information about the region of the property: str., r-n. Shelehovskiy, obl. Irkutskaya, Russia. This advertisement was published by realtor and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on sell homes registered in the database of the portal 90 days ago. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.

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Anna Cherkashina  +79148********** show
For sale:  home - р-н. Shelehovskiy (10643-282) |

The photo homes 10643-282

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