For sale: 3-room apartment (10656-132)
Ozerna (Obolon) str., 14
2 508 000 грн. per object / 36 353 грн. per m2
Prostora kvartira z kosmetichnim remontom. Zamina trub, santehniki, elektroprovodki, postavleni metaloplastikovi vikna, dva balkoni zaskleni. Vbudovani mebli, shafa-kupe, kuhnya, pobutova tehnika. Poruch dityachi maydanchiki, parkovka, magazini, ditsadok. Bilya budinku parkova zona, velika avtostoyanka. Tihiy ta ohayniy rayon dlya povnotsinnogo prozhivannya. Do metro "Geroyiv Dnipra" - 9 hvilin pishki. NE tortseva! BEZ torga! Detalnishe:
Dodatkova informatsiya: pan,96 seriya,balk/zask
Kod ob'yektu: X-32848
Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - pyatyy, type of the building - secondary market, total floor area - 69 sq.m., living floor area - 41.2 sq.m., kitchen - 9.3 sq.m. Rooms arrangement - separate, number of balconies - one balcony, type of the building - 96. Wall material: panel, ceiling type: reinforced-concrete, parking. Price information: ninety-five thousanddollars. The property is situated: Ozerna (Obolon) str. 14, Obolon, Obolonskiy, Kyiv city. This advertisement was published by broker and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell apartments registered in the database of the portal 73 days ago. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.
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