For sale: 3-room apartment (10662-901)

Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Dragomanova str., 1d
3 room, 18/19, 96 / 46.5 / 14.2 m2
3 168 000 грн. per object / 33 000 грн. per m2

Vidova kvartira na ozero i praviy bereg. Z yakisnim suchasnim remontom. Kuhnya-studiya rozshirena (vbudovana tehnika), 2 sanvuzli z dzhakuzi i dushem. Dvi vanni kimnati z boylerami, santehnika Groh, parket, plitka, v kozhniy kimnati konditsioneri Panasonic, pidlogi z pidigrivom. Rozvinena infrastruktura: Sportlayf, shkoli, dityachi sadochki, Ashan. Zruchne transportne spoluchennya Darnitskiy mist, 15 hv do tsentru. prodayetsya z meblyami ta tehnikoyu, ye lichilnik na teplo. Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: ker/bet,Seriya KTU,s/u-r,torg

Kod ob'yektu: R-14584

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 18-yy, type of the building - secondary market, total floor area - 96 sq.m., living floor area - 46.5 sq.m., kitchen - 14.2 sq.m. Type of the building - t4, wall material - claydite-concrete. Ceiling type: reinforced-concrete, wc: separate,. Price information: one hundred twenty thousanddollars. The property is situated: Dragomanova str. 1d, Poznyaki, Darnitskiy, Kyiv city. Ad Added by mediator and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell apartments published Today 2024-09-20.

Total views: 5

Real Estate Agency «Park Lane (Park Leyn)», Cherevko Olena Ivanivna  +38 044 ********** show
For sale:  3-room apartment - Драгоманова str., 1д, Poznyaki (10662-901) |

The photo apartments 10662-901

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