For sale: 3-room apartment (10669-155)

Pechersk, Pecherskiy, Kyiv city
Mazepi Ivana (Sichnevogo Povstannya) str., 3 b
3 room, 4/6, 85 / 55.6 / 16 m2
6 732 000 грн. per object / 79 200 грн. per m2

Chudova za planuvannyam ta roztashuvannyam trikimnatna kvartira v monumentalnomu budinku stalinskogo periodu - kvartira svitla, funktsionalno rozplanovana, visoki 3.20 m steli, dva balkoni, dobrotniy remont v stili moder/klasika, solidne paradne z dvorom, privitniy. Budinok znahoditsya v tihomu, zelenomu dvori, shum vulitsi vidsikaye Budinok Mazepi 3, poryad metro Arsenalna ta vsya infrastruktura dlya priyemnogo zhittya v Tsentri Kiyeva. Video tur:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,Stalinka

Kod ob'yektu: P-32672

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - chetvertyy, type of the building - secondary market. Total floor area - 85 sq.m., living floor area - 55.6 sq.m., kitchen - 16 sq.m. Rooms arrangement - adjoining-separate, type of the building - stalinka. Wall material - brick, ceiling type - combined,. The cost is two hundred fifty-five thousanddollars. Information about the region of the property: Mazepi Ivana (Sichnevogo Povstannya) str. 3 b, Pechersk, Pecherskiy, Kyiv city. Information on this project has been posted by broker and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell apartments registered in the database of the portal 74 days ago. Please mention Dom2000 site while referring to this ad. Thanks!

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Real Estate Agency «Blagovest (Blagovist)», Sapronova Valentina Viktorivna  +38 044 ********** show
For sale:  3-room apartment - Мазепи Івана (Січневого Повстання) str., 3 б, Pechersk (10669-155) |

The photo apartments 10669-155

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