Lease 5-room apartment (10670-887)

Shevchenkivskiy (tsentr), Shevchenkivskiy, Kyiv city
Hmelnitskogo Bogdana str., 41
5 room, 20/21, 250 / 118 / 39.7 m2
68 640 грн. per month per object / 264 грн. per m2

5k, 250m2, poverh-20 poverh, Hazyayska spalnya z vlasnim garderobom sanvuzlom, saunoyu, dzhakuzi. Ta sche tri spalni. Tri sanvuzla. 3 balkoni z shalenim vidom na Kiyiv kamin, konditsionirovanie- 6, boyler, filtri ochischennya vodi, posud. mashina, tsentralniy pilosos, parkomistse v pidzemnomu parkingu vhodit u vartist. Poruch ZhD Vokzal, m Universitet ta m Vokzalna. Botanichniy sad. Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,Spetsproekt 2000-2005 rr, meb/z me

Kod ob'yektu: P-32683

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: 20-yy, type of the building: secondary market, type of rent: monthly, total floor area: 250 sq.m., living floor area: 118 sq.m. Kitchen - 39.7 sq.m., rooms arrangement - separate, type of the building - spetsproekt, wall material - brick, ceiling type - reinforced-concrete. Parking est. The cost is two thousand six hundreddollars. Information about the region of the property: Hmelnitskogo Bogdana str. 41, Shevchenkivskiy (tsentr), Shevchenkivskiy, Kyiv city. Ad Added by realtor and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on rent apartments published Today 2024-09-20. When you call for this object, please kindly inform that you found this property in the portal Dom2000. Thank you for your cooperation.

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Real Estate Agency «Blagovest (Blagovist)», Litvinova Valentina Vasilivna  +38 044 ********** show
Lease 5-room apartment - Хмельницького Богдана str., 41, Shevchenkivskiy (tsentr) (10670-887) |

The photo apartments 10670-887

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