Lease home (10674-659)
Dachnaya str., 57
38 000 грн. per month
Sdaetsya v arendu kotedzh (Kiev, Puscha-Voditsa, Gorenka), kottedzhnyy gorodok “Kanadskaya derevnya” (raspolozhen na 5-tom kilometre Gostomelskogo shosse v kurortno-klimaticheskoy zone Puscha-Voditsa, primykaet k gorodskoy cherte Kieva). Dom dvuhetazhnyy (vtoroy - mansardnyy), kirpichnyy. Ploschad 134/76/31 kv m, h=3m. Chetyre komnaty, gostinaya-stolovaya s deystvuyuschim kaminom, 2 spalni. Dva sanuzla. Ukomplektovan neobhodimoy mebelyu, bytovoy tehnikoy. Na sluchay otklyucheniya elektroenergii – elektrogenerator. Vnutrenniy interer doma oformlen s ispolzovaniem naturalno dereva, otdelochnyh materialov “myagkih teplyh” tonov, chto sozdaet atmosferu uyuta, spokoynogo horoshego nastroeniya. Skorostnoy internet, sputnikovoe i kabelnoe televidenie. Avtonomnoe gazovoe otoplenie, regulirovka tepla v kazhdom iz pomescheniy (predusmotren zapasnoy variant obogreva). Poly pervogo etazha, vklyuchaya vhodnuyu gruppu, i chasti vtorogo – s podogrevom. Vneshnie steny doma utepleny. Zatraty na podderzhanie v holodnyy zimniy period komfortnoy temperatury menee 3000 griven. Svoya skvazhina s sistemoy filtrov. Obustroennaya terrasa. Teplyy garazh. Uhozhennyy prostornyy dvor s gazonami, dekorativnymi i fruktovymi derevyami, besedka. Zemelnyy uchastok 20 sotok. Kottedzhnyy gorodok pod ohranoy. Na ego territorii imeetsya neskolko detskih sadikov, stadion, tennisnye korty. Poblizosti lesnaya zona s ozerami, v dvuh kilometrah Goluboe ozero. V 10 minutah ezdy (bez probok v lyuboe vremya) samyy bolshoy v Kieve TRK, gde raspolozheny "Lavina mall", "Epitsentr", "Silpo", "Ashan"i dr Tsena arendy 38000 grn torg
Detailed info of the real estate property:
Type of rent: monthly, total floor area: 134 sq.m. Area square: 9, living floor area: 76 sq.m., kitchen: 31 sq.m. Tv: branded, refrigerator: branded, furniture: sovremennaya otechestvennaya, air conditioning: one, number of balconies: one loggia. internet, type of flooring: parquet, ceiling type: reinforced-concrete, wc: dva. Electricity - present, gas - present. Water conduit - present, sewerage - septic tank, pond - 1500 m, forest - 1500 m, distance from city - pyat. Location - cottages, name of cottage, garden or the nearest village - kanadskaya derevnya . Road from highway: asfalt, road distance: 1000 m, wc location: indoor, number of buildings: odin, smooth area. Beautiful spot, type of soil: black earth. Type of the building - kottedzh, type of roof - metal, technical condition - renovation, heating - gas boiler, est garage. Parking prisutstvuet. The cost is thirty-eight thousandhryvnia. Information about the region of the property: Dachnaya str. 57, Novobilichi, Svyatoshinskiy, Kyiv city. Information on this project has been posted by realtor. Personal ad on rent homes registered in the database of the portal 30 days ago. Please mention Dom2000 site while referring to this ad. Thanks!
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