For sale: 2-room apartment (10677-200)

Shevchenkivskiy (tsentr), Shevchenkivskiy, Kyiv city
Chikalenka Yevgena (Pushkinska) str., 2-4/7
2 room, 3/6, 67 / 36 / 11 m2
6 542 714 грн. per object / 97 665 грн. per m2

Kvartira z yevroremontom 2010 roku, povnistyu meblovana ta z pobutovoyu tehnikoyu, na pidlozi u kimnatah- parket, u kuhni-kahel, sklopaketi, lichilniki vodi, konditsioneri; Kvartira prodayetsya z meblyami ta tehnikoyu; vikna vihodyat u dvir, svoye parkomistse; Vdale transportne spoluchennya ta mistseroztashuvannya. Poryad znahoditsya m.Hreschatik- 5 hvilin Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,Stalinka,s/u-r,par

Kod ob'yektu: G-1103291

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: tretiy, type of the building: secondary market, total floor area: 67 sq.m. Living floor area - 36 sq.m., kitchen - 11 sq.m. Number of balconies - no, type of the building - stalinka, wall material - brick, type of flooring - parquet, ceiling type - reinforced-concrete. Wc: separate, legal documents: another. Price information: two hundred twenty thousandeuros. The property is situated: Chikalenka Yevgena (Pushkinska) str. 2-4/7, Shevchenkivskiy (tsentr), Shevchenkivskiy, Kyiv city. Information on this project has been posted by mediator and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on sell apartments published day before yesterday. In a telephone conversation on this subject, please report what you've found this place on our real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you.

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Real Estate Agency «Park Lane (Park Leyn)», Konovalenko Mariya Oleksandrivna  +38 044 ********** show
For sale:  2-room apartment - Чикаленка Євгена (Пушкінська) str., 2-4/7, Shevchenkivskiy (tsentr) (10677-200) |

The photo apartments 10677-200

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