For sale: 1-room apartment (10683-387)

Odesa city, Odeska oblast
Chehova str., 1/2
1 room, 6/9, 40 / 20 / 12 m2
726 000 грн. per object / 18 150 грн. per m2

Mozhno po eOselya!

Sdanny dom, krasnyy kirpich, dvuhkonturnyy kotel!

Kvartira uzhe rasplanirovana:bolshaya spalnya, prostornaya kuhnya: garderobnaya: sovmeschennyy sanuzel.ZhK Sady Rivery - idealnoe mesto dlya semeynoy zhizni!

Zdes produmano vse do melchayshih detaley dlya schastlivoy i komfortnoy zhizni - na territorii detskiy sad, detskie i vzroslye sportivnye ploschadki, sobstvennyy park s zonami otdyha.

Na pervyh etazhah domov budut raspolozheny kommercheskie pomescheniya!

V dvuh shagah ot kompleksa ostanovka transporta, TRTs "Rivera", "Lerua Merlen", cherez dorogu restorany i morskoy plyazh!

Zdes vy vsegda budete dyshat svezhim morskim vozduhom!

Zvonite, organizuyu operativnyy pokaz! Dopolnitelnye telefony: 0487945952 Komissiya: 5%

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 6-yy, type of the building - secondary market, total floor area - 40 sq.m., living floor area - 20 sq.m. Kitchen: 12 sq.m. The cost is twenty-seven thousand five hundreddollars. Information about the region of the property: Chehova str. 1/2, Odesa city, Odeska oblast. Ad Added by the owner apartments. Personal ad on sell apartments posted 174 days ago. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.

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Olga  067 92***** show    Report brokering 

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