For sale: home (10691-661)
Zoryana str., 1
5 016 000 грн.
Budinok 297,1/110/52 kv.m., 16 km vid metro Slavutich. Ploscha budinka 297.1 kv.m., ukomplektovaniy meblyami ta pobudovoyu tehnikoyu !
V budinku tsokolniy poverh ye yak ukrittya, tak yak gruntovno zrobleno zalizo-betonne perekrittya ta tovschina betonnih stin 60 sm, vikna , opalennya .
Ploscha dilyanki: 6 sotok.
Zayizd na 2 avto, avtomatichni vorota.
Komunikatsiyi: sverdlovina 60 m, septik , elektrika 45kVt,elektro kotel, tverdopalivniy kotel,generator.
Altanka 20 m² ,litnya kuhnya 18 kv.m, mangalom, sanvuzlom.
Videonaglyad, kviti , fruktovi dereva, volyer dlya sobak.
Bez komisiyi!
190 000$
067 541-21-21 Anzhelina
Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area: 297.1 sq.m., purpose of area: residential development land and commercial use, area square: 5.6. Living floor area - 110 sq.m., kitchen - 52 sq.m. Number of balconies - one balcony, wc - dva. Electricity - present, water conduit - present, sewerage - cesspool, name of cottage, garden or the nearest village - sk vishenki 2. Wc location - indoor, type of the building - kottedzh. Type of roof - shingles, technical condition - western-style renovation, heating - electric boiler. Price information: one hundred ninety thousanddollars. Information about the region of the property: Zoryana str. 1, Vishenki village, Borispilskiy rayon, Kiyivska oblast. Information on this project has been posted by the host homes. Personal ad on sell homes posted 10 days ago. When you call for this announcement, please indicate that you have read an ad on the site Dom2000. Thank in advance!
Total views: 42
Home, cottage complexes and townhouses