Lease 3-room apartment (10698-437)

Pechersk, Pecherskiy, Kyiv city
Klovskiy uzviz str., 7
3 room, 23/34, 140 / 40 / 40 m2
52 800 грн. per month per object / 370 грн. per m2

Generator na lift! Avtorskiy remont v kvartiri vikonaniy z urahuvannyam visokoyi funktsionalnosti predmetiv mebliv, bagatorivneve osvitlennya, elegantna mebli plavnih form shanovanih brendiv. Funktsionalne planuvannya, rozrahovana do dribnits. Praktichno polovinu vsiyeyi kvartiri zaymaye spalnya, vanna z sanvuzlom i garderobna. V inshiy chastini kvartiri - vidkritiy prostir, scho perehodit z peredpokoyu do kuhni, a potim v vitalnyu-yidalnyu. Dityachi ta gostoviy sanvuzol z pralneyu vidileni v okremi zoni. Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,Spetsproekt 2011-2015 rr

Kod ob'yektu: B-98059

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 23-yy, type of the building - secondary market, type of rent - monthly, total floor area - 140 sq.m. Living floor area - 40 sq.m., kitchen - 40 sq.m., rooms arrangement - adjoining-separate, type of the building - spetsproekt. Wall material - brick, ceiling type - reinforced-concrete,. The cost is two thousanddollars. Information about the region of the property: Klovskiy uzviz str. 7, Pechersk, Pecherskiy, Kyiv city. This advertisement was published by broker and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on rent apartments registered in the database of the portal 75 days ago. When contacting the number below, please report that found this ad on the real estate portal Dom2000

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Real Estate Agency «Park Lane (Park Leyn)», Afanasyev Anton Leonidovich  +38 044 ********** show
Lease 3-room apartment - Кловський узвіз str., 7, Pechersk (10698-437) |

The photo apartments 10698-437

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