Lease 1-room apartment (10700-400)

Shevchenkivskiy (KPI), Shevchenkivskiy, Kyiv city
Beresteyskiy prosp. (Peremogi prosp.), 11 korp2
1 room, 23/36, 55 / 0 / 8 m2
26 400 грн. per month per object / 475 грн. per m2

Suchasniy remont z usiyeyu neobhidnoyu tehnikoyu:televizor, pralna mashina, boyler, posudomiyna mashina, vbudovana tehnika. Kvartira skladayetsya z kuhni -vitalni ta zatishnoyi spalni z robochim stolom. Prostoriy balkon z vidom na misto. V kompleksi ye vsya neobhidna infrastruktura, sport zal, na 5 poversi zona vidpochinku. V budinku ye generator na lifti, tsilodobova ohorona, videosposterezhennya ,zavzhdi ye voda. Zakrita teritoriya, bomboshovische. Poruch rozvinuta infrastruktura Detalnishe:

Dodatkova informatsiya: tseg,Spetsproekt 2021-2025 rr, meb/z me,tv/ye,holod

Kod ob'yektu: Q-7118

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 23-yy, type of the building - secondary market. Type of rent: monthly, total floor area: 55 sq.m., kitchen: 8 sq.m. Tv: simple, refrigerator: branded, type of the building: spetsproekt, wall material: brick, ceiling type: reinforced-concrete. Price information: one thousanddollars. Location of object Beresteyskiy prosp. (Peremogi prosp.) 11 korp2, Shevchenkivskiy (KPI), Shevchenkivskiy, Kyiv city. Information on this project has been posted by broker and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on rent apartments published 75 days ago. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.

Total views: 4

Lease 1-room apartment - Берестейський просп. (Перемоги просп.), 11 корп2, Shevchenkivskiy (KPI) (10700-400) |

The photo apartments 10700-400

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