Lease shop (10718-293)

Golosiyivo, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city
Vasilkivska vul., 11
1 room, 92 m2
75 000 грн. per month per object / 815 грн. per m2

Proponuyetsya v orendu fasadne primischennya, poruch metro Golosiyivska. Prohidna aleya vid metro do ofisiv i budinkiv. Poruch z primischennyam vvoditsya v ekspluatatsiyu noviy zhitloviy kompleks biznes klasu na 1000 kvartir.

Postiyniy trafik lyudey, garne roztashuvannya, prezentabelniy viglyad. Susidi merezhevi operatori. Na polu plitka, 30 kVt potuzhnist elektroenergiyi. Nadayutsya remontni kanikuli. Komissiya: 50%

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: pervyy, type of rent: monthly, square: 92 sq.m., visitors access: open premises. Facade: two-sides, building type: separate building. The cost is seventy-five thousandhryvnia. Information about the region of the property: Vasilkivska vul. 11, Golosiyivo, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city. This advertisement was published by mediator. Personal ad on rent shop added 4 days ago. When you call for this announcement, please indicate that you have read an ad on the site Dom2000. Thank in advance!

Sergiy  097 50***** show
Lease shop - Васильківська вул., 11, Golosiyivo (10718-293) |

The photo shop 10718-293

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