Lease office (10718-341)
Peredovaya ul., 3
52 272 грн. per month per object / 238 грн. per m2
Stolichnoe shosse,Peredovaya,3.Sdayotsya v arendu 220 metrov pomeschenie so svobodnym naznacheniem(mozhno coll-tsentr,notariat,stomatolo giya,pischevoy tseh,klinika,laboratoriya,salo n,ofis).Dva urovnya,nizhniy uroven v polupodvale,chto dayot vozmozhnost raboty pri vozdushnoy trevoge.V pomeschenii 6 otdelnyh kabinetov,seyfovaya komnata i 3 zala,dva sanuzla,odin iz nih s dushem.Teplyy pol po vsemu pomescheniyu ot gazovogo kotla,rozetki i voda predusmotreny dlya bolshogo kolichestva personala.Pritochno-ottochnaya ventilyatsiya.Kommunalnye platezhi minimalny,bolee detalno po telefonu.Ryadom AVTORYNOK, ATMOSFERA,DOMOSFERA.Tsena 2000/mesyats.Komissiya. Dopolnitelnye telefony: Komissiya: 50%
Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - pervyy, type of rent - monthly, square - 220 sq.m., visitors access - open premises, facade - two-sides. Building type: separate building. The cost is one thousand nine hundred eightydollars. Information about the region of the property: Peredovaya ul. 3, s. Chapayevka, Golosiyivskiy, Kyiv city. This ad posted by the owner office. Personal ad on rent office published yesterday (2025-03-11). If you plan to use this announcement, please specify that you have found this place on our real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you.
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