Lease shop (10718-617)

Pechersk, Pecherskiy, Kyiv city
Nimanska vul.
1 room, 40 m2
60 000 грн. per month per object / 1 500 грн. per m2

Nimanska 4, metro Druzhbi Narodiv

Fasadne primischennya z visokim trafikom. Ye mozhlivist terasi. Poruch taki yakirni orendari yak Avrora, Moloko vid fermera i tak dali. Magazin, salon, shourum, pid bud yakiy vid diyalnosti.

40 m2 1y poverh, fasad, vitrini, okremiy vhid mistse pid vivisku, trafik.

V primizenni vikonana styazhka ta shtukaturka takozh nadayemo remontni kanikuli.

Tsina 1500 grn m2 bez komisiyi

Pidberemo Vam magazin pid individualniy zapit, ye bagato variantiv po vsomu mistu vid vlasnikiv bez komisiyi.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: pervyy, type of rent: monthly, square: 40 sq.m. Visitors access - open premises, facade - two-sides, building type - separate building. The cost is sixty thousandhryvnia. Location of object Nimanska vul., Pechersk, Pecherskiy, Kyiv city. This advertisement was published by the host shop. Personal ad on rent shop published 3 days ago. When you call for this announcement, please indicate that you have read an ad on the site Dom2000. Thank in advance!

Vladislav  098 00***** show    Report brokering 
Lease shop - Німанська вул., Pechersk (10718-617) |

The photo shop 10718-617

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