For sale: 1-room apartment in the new building (10718-645)

1 room, 3/5, 33.5 / 13 / 13 m2
858 000 грн. per object / 25 612 грн. per m2

Gotova kvartira z dokumentami v energoefektivnomu budinku, pobudovanomu z chervonoyi tsegli, tovschina stin 400 mm, z dodatkovim uteplennyam po fasadu 100 mm.

Budinok vvedeno v ekspluatatsiyu ta prisvoyena poshtova adresa!!!

Stan kvartiri:

- Pidloga: lazerna styazhka

- Stini: shtukaturka.

- Mizhkimnatni stini Gipsoblok 80 mm.

- Elektroprovodka: Midna, peretin 6 mm. 5 KVt.

- Vikna: Metalo-plastikovi, pyatikamerniy profil Rehau Euro 70, ta dviyniy energozberigayuchiy sklopaket.

- Dveri vhidni: Bronovani z MDF nakladkami ta dvoma zamkami

- 2-h konturniy gazoviy kotel + radiatori + tepla pidloga u kuhni ta sanvuzli.

- Kanalizatsiya: Tsentralizovana.

ROZMISchENNYa: smt. Gatne za 10 hv. vid stantsiyi metro Teremki. (723, 427 ta 356 marshrutki vid M. TEREMKI, kozhni 5-10 hv.).

INFRASTRUKTURA: Zakrita teritoriya.

Na teritoriyi: Produktoviy supermarket, Parkovka dlya meshkantsiv ta gostey ZhK. Poruch iz ZhK Ditsadok ta shkola, ozero, Zupinka gromadskogo transportu 400 m. TTs MEGAMARKET 1000 m. v yakomu ye prodovolcho-gospodarskiy gipermarket, Kinoteatr, dityachiy rozvazhalniy tsentr, pitseriya, sushi-bar, kafeteriy, salon krasi, perukarnya, apteka, magazin JUSK. U 1300 m. - SPORTLIFE z BASEYNOM. Dopolnitelnye telefony:

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: tretiy, type of the building: new building, total floor area: 33.5 sq.m. Living floor area - 13 sq.m., kitchen - 13 sq.m. Price information: thirty-two thousand five hundreddollars. The property is situated: Grushevskogo str. 12, Gatne village, Kiyevo-Svyatoshinskiy rayon, Kiyivska oblast. This ad posted by the host apartments. Personal ad on sell apartments published day before yesterday. If you plan to use this announcement, please report what you've found this ad at the website Dom2000. Thank you.

Vitaliy  099 45***** show    Report brokering 
For sale:  1-room apartment in the new building - Грушевського str., 12, Gatne village (10718-645) |

The photo apartments 10718-645

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