Lease 2-room apartment (2880-712)

Komsomolskiy, Dniprovskiy, Kyiv city
Malyshko Andreya str., 3
2 room, 6/12, 45 / 32 / 7 m2
650 грн. per day per object / 14 грн. per m2

Sdam 2-h komnatnuyu kvartiru. Dneprovskiy r-n. Malyshka 3 St. m. Darnitsa 300 metrov . 6/9 – et. doma. Posutochno. Telefon, televizor tsvet., holodilnik, bronedver, parket, s/uzel razdelnyy. Sputnikovoe televidenie

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: 6-yy, type of the building: secondary market, type of rent: daily, total floor area: 45 sq.m. Living floor area: 32 sq.m., kitchen: 7 sq.m., rooms arrangement : separate, windows overlook: in the yard. Tv - branded, refrigerator - simple, furniture - komplekt 90-h. Air conditioning: no, number of balconies: one loggia, number of telephone lines: no, , type of the building: single room, wall material: panel. Type of flooring - parquet, ceiling type - tile, wc - separate, , , prisutstvuet intercom. Condition of main entrance: excellent, technical condition: renovation, , parking. The cost is six hundred fiftyhryvnia. Information about the region of the property: Malyshko Andreya str. 3, Komsomolskiy, Dniprovskiy, Kyiv city. Ad Added by owner apartments. Personal ad on rent apartments posted 11 days ago.

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Lease 2-room apartment - Малышко Андрея str., 3, Komsomolskiy (2880-712) |

The photo apartments 2880-712


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