For sale: 2-room apartment in the new building (3948-816)

Riga, Riga, Latvia
Miera iela 93
2 room, 6/7, 53 m2 (total)
3 449 795 грн. per object / 65 090 грн. per m2

Prostornaya kvartira v novom, ochen kachestvennom proekte. Dom imeet svoe sobstvennoe obschestvo upravleniya, chto snizhaet rashody na obsluzhivanie. Suschestvuet sistema gazovogo otopleniya, dom ochen teplyy. Horoshaya infrastruktura, udobnoe raspolozhenie, do tsentra goroda 4-5 min., tramvaynaya ostanovka ryadom s domom, est parkovka dlya avtomobilya. Pol iz dosok yasenya, shponirovannye dveri, poly s podogrevom.

Plata za obsluzhivanie 0,55 eur/m2. Ob ekt nahoditsya na nashem sayte ID67470.

Est drugie predlozheniya, kotorye ne opublikovany v internete.

Nashi osnovnye uslugi:

- Konsaltingovye uslugi po nedvizhimosti, VNZh, vizam, nalogam i kapitalovlozheniyu;

- Yuridicheskoe soprovozhdenie pri pokupki nedvizhimosti, reprezentatsiya klienta v uchrezhdeniyah;

- Organizatsiya kreditovaniya v Evropeyskih bankah - 4,5% godovyh!! Do 70% ot stoimosti nedvizhimosti;

- Posleprodazhnoe obsluzhivanie (Sdacha nedvizhimosti v arendu + yuridicheskoe soprovozhdenie; Kontrol s emschikov; Organizatsiya rashodov na soderzhanie nedvizhimosti; Tehpodderzhka; Upravlenie nedvizhimosti);

- Konserzh uslugi - pomosch adaptatsii v Latvii;

- Predlozhenie investitsionnyh ob ektov ( ofisnye zdaniya, torgovye tsentry, zhilye doma, gostinitsy i t. d.) s pribylyu ot 8% v god.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 6-yy, type of the building - new building. Total floor area - 53 sq.m., prisutstvuet parking. The cost is one hundred sixteen thousandeuros. The property is situated: Miera iela 93, Riga, Latvia. This ad posted by broker and uploaded by automatically using the XML-import service. Personal ad on sell apartments registered in the database of the portal 1596 days ago. Please report what you've found this ad at the real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you in advance.

Total views: 83

For sale:  2-room apartment in the new building - Miera iela 93, Riga (3948-816) |

The photo apartments 3948-816

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