For sale hotel/resort (4117-108)

32 room, 1600 / 1600 / 0 m25 hectare
43 865 924 грн. per object / 27 416 грн. per m2

Predlagaem Vashemu vnimaniyu gostinitsu v turisticheskom posyolke ostrova Krit. Gostinitsa sostoit iz dvuh otdelnyh korpusov i vmeschaet 32 kvartiry. Tsentralnyy korpus vmeschaet v sebya 16 dvuhkomnatnyh kvartir, bar, retsepshen, obschiy sanuzel, restoran s kaminom, prachechnuyu i kladovye pomescheniya. Vtoroy korpus zanimayut 16 kvartir - studiy. V kazhdoy kvartire imeyutsya mebel, konditsioner, holodilnik i nebolshaya elektricheskaya plita. Na territorii gostinitsy nahodyatsya basseyn i barbekyu, a takzhe, k gostinitse prilegaet zemelnyy uchastok ploschadyu 500 kv.m, na kotorom mozhet byt postoroen dopolnitelnyy korpus ploschadyu 600 kv.m. Gostinitsa raspolozhena v samom populyarnom turisticheskom gorodke Hersonisos. Gorodok imeet razvituyu infrastrukturu i aktivnuyu nochnuyu zhizn.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Object profile: hotel/resort, area square: 500,.

Total views: 31

For sale hotel/resort - Iraklion (crete) (4117-108) |

The photo uninhabited real estate 4117-108

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