For sale: home (4118-084)

1 room, 320 / 320 / 0 m214 hectare
9 516 675 грн.

Prodaetsya dvuhetazhnyy kottedzh ploschadyu 320 kv.m i uchastkom 1400 kv.m na ostrove Korfu v zapadnoy chasti Gretsii. Kottedzh imeet uglovoe raspolozhenie s vidom na gory, takzhe est podsobnoe pomeschenie. Dom nahoditsya na stadii stroitelstva.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area - 320 sq.m., area square - 1400, living floor area - 320 sq.m.,. The cost is three hundred twenty thousandeuros. Location of object str., Kerkyra (Corfu island), Kerkira, Ionian Islands, Greece. Property info was posted by mediator and uploaded by automatically using the XML-import service. Personal ad on sell homes published 1963 days ago.

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For sale:  home - Kerkyra (Corfu island) (4118-084) |

The photo homes 4118-084

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