For sale: 1-room apartment (4118-868)

1 room, 60 / 60 / 0 m2, 290 hundreds sq. m.
4 758 338 грн. per object / 79 306 грн. per m2

Predlagaem Vashemu vnimaniyu kvartiru ploschadyu 60 kv.m. Kvartira vklyuchaet v sebya spalnuyu komnatu, gostinuyu s kuhney i sanuzel. V ney ustanovleny konditsioner, otoplenie, vstroennye i kuhonnye shkafy, vsya mebel ostayotsya ot predyduschego hozyaina. K kvartire prilagaetsya parkovochnoe mesto, skladskoe pomeschenie i lichnyy dvor, pokrytyy zelyonym gazonom, ploschadyu 290 kv.m. Kvartira nahoditsya nedaleko ot zhivopisnogo posyolka ostrova v okruzhenii sosnovogo lesa. V posyolke imeetsya razvitaya infrastruktura, supermarkety, myasnye i ovoschnye lavki, pekarni i restorany.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Type of the building - secondary market, total floor area - 60 sq.m., living floor area - 60 sq.m., parking est. Price information: one hundred sixty thousandeuros. Information about the region of the property: str., Kerkyra (Corfu island), Kerkira, Ionian Islands, Greece. This advertisement was published by mediator and imported into the portal. Personal ad on sell apartments registered in the database of the portal 2130 days ago.

Total views: 56

For sale:  1-room apartment - Kerkyra (Corfu island) (4118-868) |

The photo apartments 4118-868

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