For sale: home (4120-939)

5 room, 155 / 155 / 0 m2, 50 hundreds sq. m.
3 717 451 грн.

Spets. predlozhenie! Taunhausy, raspolozhennye nedaleko ot morya v uyutnom gorodke na myse Sitoniya, kurort Halkidiki, imeyut ploschad 155 i 165 kv.m i nebolshoy uchastok ryadom s domom. Taunhausy nahodyatsya v spokoynom meste, v peshey dostupnosti infrastruktura. Dvuhurovnevyy taunhaus ploschadyu 155 kv.m raspolozhen na pervom i vtorom etazhah i sostoit iz 4 spalnyh komnat, gostinoy s kuhney, 2 sanuzlov s dushevymi. Tsena 160.000 evro (s meelyu) Dvuhurovnevyy taunhaus ploschadyu 160 kv.m raspolozhen na pervom i vtorom etazhah i sostoit iz 4 spalnyh komnat, gostinoy s kuhney, 2 sanuzlov s dushevymi.Tsena 135.000 evro (s mebelyu). V nalichii 1 taunhausa. A takzhe, na tretem etazhe doma raspolozhena kvartira ploschadyu 72 kv.m, vklyuchayuschaya 2 spalni, sanuzel s dushevoy, kladovuyu. Stoimost kvartiry 85.000 evro (s mebelyu). Pri pokupke odnogo taunhausa i kvartiry vladelets gotov sdelat skidku v tsene!

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area - 155 sq.m., area square - 50, living floor area - 155 sq.m. Parking. Price information: one hundred twenty-five thousandeuros. Location of object str., Sithonia, Khalkidhiki, Central Macedonia, Greece. This advertisement was published by mediator and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on sell homes registered in the database of the portal 2130 days ago.

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For sale:  home - Sithonia (4120-939) |

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