For sale: home (4544-352)

1 room, 300 / 300 / 0 m210 hectare
12 788 032 грн.

Prodaetsya kottedzh na ostrove Korfu. Zdanie sostoit iz 3 etazhey, na pervom etazhe est tri studii i odnokomnatnaya kvartira s gostinoy i kuhney. Na vtorom urovne raspolozheny dve kvartiry, odnakomnatnayas gostinoy i kuhney i dvuhspalnaya kvartiras gostinoy, kuhney i vannoy. Na tretem etazhe, nahoditsya mansard, kotoryy sostoit iz gostinoy s kuhney, 2 spalnyh komnat i vannoy komnaty.Vse kvartiry meblirovany i ustanovleny konditsionery. V sezon kvartiry horosho sdayutsya v arendu. Ryadom raspolozhena samaya bolshaya na ostrove marina dlya yaht.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Total floor area - 300 sq.m., area square - 1000, living floor area - 300 sq.m.,. The cost is four hundred thirty thousandeuros. The property is situated: str., Kerkyra (Corfu island), Kerkira, Ionian Islands, Greece. Information on this project has been posted by realtor and uploaded to the portal automatically by the XML-import. Personal ad on sell homes added 1963 days ago. Please report what you've found this ad at the real estate portal Dom2000. Thank you in advance.

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For sale:  home - Kerkyra (Corfu island) (4544-352) |

The photo homes 4544-352

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