For sale: 1-room apartment in the new building (5609-813)

1 room, 12/17, 47 m2 (total)
1 334 256 грн. per object / 28 388 грн. per m2

"Laythaus" - sovremennyy 17-ti etazhnyy ofisno-zhiloy kompleks.

Raspolozhen v parkovoy zone istoricheskogo tsentra g. Dnepr ulitsa Ivana Akinfieva 30 A (byvshaya ulitsa Fuchika), naprotiv Monastyrskogo ostrova. Panoramnyy vid iz okna, sovremennaya infrastruktura, bezopasnost , udobstvo, otdyh i komfort.

"Laythaus" - eto unikalnaya vozmozhnost priobresti ne bolshuyu kvartiru v novom dome. Vybiray kvartiru ot 45 metrov kvadratnyh. Svobodnoe arhitekturno-planirovochnoe reshenie pozvolit vam ob edinit odnu, dve kvartiry v odnu zhiluyu ploschad.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: 12-yy, type of the building: new building, total floor area: 47 sq.m., rooms arrangement : separate. The cost is fifty thousand five hundred fortydollars. The property is situated: Fuchika ul. d.30a, Dnipropetrovsk city, Dnipropetrovska oblast. This ad posted by broker and uploaded by automatically using the XML-import service. Personal ad on sell apartments registered in the database of the portal 2586 days ago.

Total views: 3

Real Estate Agency «AvangardDnepr», Zaderey Yaroslav Nikolaevich (Direktor)  38068********** show
For sale:  1-room apartment in the new building - Фучика ул. д.30а, Dnipropetrovsk city (5609-813) |

The photo apartments 5609-813

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