For sale: 1-room apartment (5761-256)

1 room, 148 / 148 / 0 m2
10 408 863 грн. per object / 70 330 грн. per m2

Kompleks raspolozhen v rayone Potamos Germassoyyas, vsego v 14 minutah peshey hodby do morya i v 10 minutah ezdy na vostok ot tsentra goroda i v to zhe vremya v predelah legkogo dostupa k avtomagistrali, svyazyvayuschey vse krupnye goroda na ostrove. Ob ekt budet vozveden na uchastke 6500 m2 v okruzhenie derevev i sadov, c detskoy ploschadkoy, s obschim basseynom, s vnutrenney dorogoy i s krugovym dvizheniem. Etot roskoshnyy proekt budet sostoyat iz shesti trehetazhnyh zdaniy, gde budut dvuspalnye i trehspalnye kvartiry, a tak zhe trehspalnye kvartiry na tselom etazhe. Tak zhe est vozmozhnost priobreteniya sada na kryshe. Vsego 24 kvartir v komplekse.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Type of the building - secondary market, total floor area - 148 sq.m. Living floor area - 148 sq.m.,. The cost is three hundred fifty thousandeuros. Location of object str., Cyprus. This advertisement was published by realtor and imported to the site automatically. Personal ad on sell apartments registered in the database of the portal 2130 days ago. When communicating on this announcement, please specify that you found this ad on our site real estate Dom2000. Thank you in advance!

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For sale:  1-room apartment - Cyprus (5761-256) |

The photo apartments 5761-256

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