For sale: 2-room apartment in the new building (6163-314)

Podilskiy, Kyiv city
Naberezhno-Rybalskaya ul., 3
2 room, 4/10, 71.03 / 0 / 9.66 m2
2 517 232 грн. per object / 35 439 грн. per m2

Predlagaetsya 2 komnatnaya kvartira v zhilom komplekse "Rybalskiy", g. Kiev, Podolskiy r-n.., po ulitse Naberezhno-Rybalskaya 3-9.

Kvartira ot zastroyschika, bez pereplat/komissiy.

Otlichnaya planirovka, kvartira obschey ploschadyu - 71,03 m2: s/u razdelnyy (4,19 i 2,76), kuhnya 9,66 m2, spalnaya komnata 28,03 m2, gostinaya komnata 13,33 m2 s vyhodom na balkon, est garderobnaya komnata 4,54 m2..

Sam kompleks sostoit iz 9 domov, zakrytaya ohranyaemaya territoriya. Udachnoe mestoraspolozhenie - vozmozhnost naslazhdatsya zhiznyu v stolitse vozle Dnepra. Na territorii komplekta planiruetsya mnozhestvo razvlekatelnyh ploschadok, samyh razlichnyh torgovyh tochek, detskiy sad, supermarket, restorany,otdelenie bankov, salony krasoty, fitnes-klub.

Po vsem interesuyuschim voprosam otvechu po telefonu, prosmotr po dogovorennosti, zvonite. (093-600-33-16) Nomer ob yavleniya na sayte kompanii: SF-710-203-D2.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - chetvertyy, type of the building - new building. Total floor area - 71.03 sq.m., kitchen - 9.66 sq.m., wall material - monolithic-frame, ceiling height - 2.82 m, signalling est. The cost is two million five hundred seventeen thousand two hundred thirty-twohryvnia. Location of object Naberezhno-Rybalskaya ul., 3, Podilskiy, Kyiv city. This ad posted by realtor and uploaded by automatically using the XML-import service. Personal ad on sell apartments published 2325 days ago. Please report that found the object on the real estate portal Dom2000 when calling the ad. Thank you in advance.

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Real Estate Agency «OkLEX», Kushnir Olga Valerevna  +380 (93) ******* show
For sale:  2-room apartment in the new building - Набережно-Рыбальская ул., 3, Podilskiy (6163-314) |

The photo apartments 6163-314

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