Lease shop (6449-727)

Kiyivska oblast
ul. Mihaila Dragomirova, 69
1/15, 80 m2 (total)
72 800 грн. per month per object / 910 грн. per m2

Sdam v arendu fasadnoe pomeschenie v ZhK Novopeerskie Lipki. 1-y etazh, fasad, otdelnyy vhod. Planirovka open space. Pomeschenie raspolozheno pered zonoy otdyha i basseynom. Potolki 4 metra. Predlozhenie bez komissii dlya arendatora. Tsena 35 u.e. Est metrazhi: 50, 80, 120, 210.

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: pervyy, type of rent: monthly,.

Total views: 120

Korovko Dmitriy Igorevich  (099)14********** show
Lease shop - ул. Михаила Драгомирова, 69, Kiyivska oblast (6449-727) |

The photo shop 6449-727

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