For sale production premises (6526-155)

10 room, 5800 m2, 3 hundreds sq. m.
5 280 000 грн. per object / 910 грн. per m2

Prodaetsya tseh v promzone 5802 m2 v levoberezhnoy chasti goroda, ryadom nahoditsya TETs, raspredelitelnaya silovaya energopodstantsiya. Pod ezdnye puti - asfaltirovannaya avtodoroga. Otdalennost ot trassy1400 m Do Dnepra 30 km. Na rasstoyanii 600 metrov nahoditsya zh.d. vetka, v nastoyaschiy moment trebuetsya eyo vosstanovlenie. Takzhe imeetsya vozmozhnost vosstanovit teh.usloviya i poluchit do 5 mVt el.moschnosti. Vysokovoltnyy kabel prolozhen ot raspredelitelnoy silovoy elektropodstantsii neposredstvenno v tseh. Imeyutsya vodoprovod i kanalizatsiya gorodskie, sobstvennaya nasosnaya stantsiya. Na territorii predpriyatiya nahoditsya GRP. Pod ezd krupnogabaoitnoy tehniki. 180 000 $. 0504981005 0687282798

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor: pervyy, object profile: production premises. Square - 5800 sq.m., area square - tri. Visitors access - closed premises, facade - to the street, building type - separate building, number of balconies - no, type of flooring - other. Ceiling height - 7 m, wc - pyat, signalling est, , entrances - chetyre, dedicated entrance est. Number of buildings - tri, technical condition - cosmetic repairs required, type of ownership - private (legal entity). Heating: other, parking. Price information: two hundred thousanddollars. The property is situated: Industrialnaya str., Dniprovskyi, Dniprodzerzhinsk city, Dnipropetrovska oblast. Information on this project has been posted by realtor. Personal ad on sell uninhabited real estate added 91 days ago. When contacting the number below, please report that found this ad on the real estate portal Dom2000

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Sergey Vladimirovich  +38 068 ********** show
For sale production premises - Индустриальная str., Dniprovskyi (6526-155) |

The photo uninhabited real estate 6526-155

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