Prices in hryvnia
Lease office (6858-918)
Darnitskiy, Kyiv city
Mishugi Aleksandra str.
Mishugi Aleksandra str.
2 room, 9/30, 75 m2 (total)
15 000 грн. per month per object / 200 грн. per m2
15 000 грн. per month per object / 200 грн. per m2
Arenda ofisa. Darnitskiy rayon, ul. Mishugi 12.
Dvuhkomnatnyy ofis, 9/30 etazhnogo zdaniya, obschey ploschadyu 75 kv.m. S remontom, mebel chastichno. Razvitaya infrastruktura: ryadom supermarkety, magaziny, st.m. Poznyaki - 5 min. 15000+ kommunalnye.
Podrobno na sayte:
Kod ob ekta: 1703423
Agentstvo nedvizhimosti «Dom Plyus»
g. Kiev, bul. Lesi Ukrainki, 34, of. 221
Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - 9-yy, type of rent - monthly.
Total views: 67