Lease office (7063-955)
23 496 грн. per month per object / 979 грн. per m2
Bez komissii! BTs"Podil Heritage"ul.Verhniy val, 28, 2-3 etazh. .st.m. Kontraktovaya. Arenda meblirovannyh ofisov s remontom i gotovyh k rabote. Raznye varianty ofisov po stoimosti, ploschadi i kolichestvu oborudovannyh rabochih mest. Mebel biznes-klassa, skorostnoy internet i Wi-Fi. Infrastruktura etazha: resepshn(anglogovoryaschiy personal), zony ozhidaniya, peregovornye komnaty, obschaya kuhnya(kofemashina, chaynik, holodilnik, posudomoechnaya mashina, filtrovannaya pitevaya voda). Dostup v ofis 24/7. Vozmozhnost rasshireniya v protsesse arendy. Yur.adres, b/n raschet. V obyavlenii ukazana stoimost arendy ofisa na 4 sotrudnika(bez NDS), vklyuchaya kommunalnye i ezhednevnuyu uborku. Ploschad ukazana s koef.obschih ploschadey. T.zh. gotovy Vam predlozhit nashi varianty v BTs: "Gulliver", pl. Sportivnaya 1, 17 etazh "Gorizont Park", ul. Nikolaya Grinchenko 4, 2 etazh "Podol", ul. Sagaydachnogo 25B, 4, 5 etazh "Gorizont Tauer", ul. Shelkovichnaya 42-44, 3 etazh "Silver Briz", ul.P.Tychiny, 1v, 4 etazh "Podil Heritage"ul.Verhniy val, 28, 2-3 etazh. BTs "IQ" st.metro "Druzhby narodov", ul.Strutinskogo, 13-15.Bolshoy vybor kommercheskoy nedvizhimosti na lyuboy byudzhet tel.+38(097)356-24-83 Viber.WhatsApp (093) 938-87-91 email kaddet81@Cergey (Bez komissii)
Detailed info of the real estate property:
Floor - vtoroy, type of rent - monthly. Square: 24 sq.m., visitors access: open premises, facade: to the street, building type: business center, furniture: eksklyuzivnaya (vip). The cost is eight hundred ninetydollars. Information about the region of the property: Verhniy Val 28, Podil, Podilskiy, Kyiv city. Information on this project has been posted by mediator. Personal ad on rent office added day before yesterday. Please report that found the object on the real estate portal Dom2000 when calling the ad. Thank you in advance.
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