Lease home (8212-047)

6 room, 1/2, 250 m2 (total)
132 000 грн. per month

Obuhovskiy r-n. Novye Bezradichi(20 km. otKieva). Arenda komfortnogo sruba v ohranyaemom kotedzhnom gorodke "Avgur". Srub 250 kv.metrov 2 etazha, 3 spalni, kuhnya stolovaya, gostinnaya s kaminnym zalom,kabinet. Ochen krasivyy uchastok 25 sotok s vyhodom k ozeru, otdelno srub-banya s kaminom 100kv.metrov, terrasa s barbekyu. Gaz, elektrichestvo, sostoyatelnye sosedi. Vyhod k vode, plyazh.Idealnyy uchastok s landshaftnym dizaynom, hvoynymi i fruktovymi derevyami, krasivye tsvety. Arenda 4500 dol syuda vhodit sadovnik 

Detailed info of the real estate property:
Type of rent - monthly, total floor area - 250 sq.m. The cost is five thousanddollars. Information about the region of the property: Peschanaya, 3, Novi Bezradichi village, Obuhivskiy rayon, Kiyivska oblast. Ad Added by broker and uploaded by automatically using the XML-import service. Personal ad on rent homes published 1645 days ago. When you call for this announcement, please indicate that you have read an ad on the site Dom2000. Thank in advance!

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Real Estate Agency «Nextrealty Ukraine», Taras Svinar  +38066******* show
Lease home - Пещаная, 3, Novi Bezradichi village (8212-047) |

The photo homes 8212-047

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